Got a problem with your Cars Electrics? Bring your car down for a free diagnostic. Give the team a call, we are happy to help

Diagnostics / Electrical System

Seen a light come up on your dashboard? Whichever light it is, we’ve got the tools to diagnose the issue. We have the latest diagnostic software for all makes and models. Our software is updated regularly to ensure our electronic diagnostic system are accurate and reliable, even for the latest and greatest car makes and models.

Most modern vehicles contain an Electronic Control Unit (ECU). We can read the errors stored on your car’s ECU (which may not always result in a light appearing on your dashboard) and use our vast experience of various car brands to quickly diagnose the problem.

Signs and Symptoms of a faulty Car Electric System

Detecting electrical system problems is not an easy task. However, there are a few signs you can look out for that will help determine if your car has an electrical system issue.

  • Hard to crank the engine
  • Blown Fuse
  • Battery problems
  • Dim lights
  • Electronic components not working properly

Experiencing Electrical or Diagnostic Problems?

Contact us today.

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Fixed Price MOT Test includes a Comprehensive Safety Check